Richmond Street Wellness Centre has brought together a carefully selected group of professionals that are dedicated to treating with excellence and compassion. Our ultimate objective is to help you achieve long-lasting, sustainable improvements in your overall well-being so you can enjoy healthier, happier lives.
Our Team
Meet Our Team
Dan McKenna
Registered Massage Therapist
Reflexologist -
Dr. Laura McLaren
Dr. Ripen Singh
Dr. Natasha Gandhi
Sandra Manherz
Physiotherapist • Pelvic Health
Meghan Pietluch
Physiotherapy Resident
Portia Santucci
Dr. Gayamali Karunaratna
Naturopathic Doctor • Birth Doula
Alex Yakovlev
Registered Massage Therapist
Osteopathic Manual Practitioner -
Emily Salem
Registered Massage Therapist
Alyssa Dayton
Registered Massage Therapist
Michelle Caron
Registered Massage Therapist
Claudia Hashimoto
Registered Massage Therapist
Sina Djamshidiat
Registered Massage Therapist
LiYuan (Winnie) Hou
Registered Massage Therapist
Barb Browne
Registered Psychotherapist
Registered Social Worker
Individual and Couples Therapist -
Gabriel McCullogh
Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)
Tina Weidelich
Registered Psychotherapist